Our Core Funders
The ability for any charitable enterprise to keep going on a sustained basis is almost always down to the support of its Core Funders – the people and organisations who provide long term support. Art in the Docks operates as a truly charitable organisation. Much of what we do is dependent upon short term Project funding, often lasting for less than a few months. Our Core Funders however, take a different view. Two in particular stand out: social housing provider Notting Hill Genesis and Newham’s Royal Docks focused Royal Docks Trust, we are deeply grateful for their ongoing commitment to our work.
Notting Hill Genesis is creating thousands of new homes in the Royal Docks area of Newham. Royal Albert Wharf is a new creative community and neighbourhood situated between Gallions Reach DLR, Royal Albert Basin and the Thames. The last phase is under construction and is scheduled to achieve practical completion early 2025. Developed by a joint venture partnership of Notting Hill Genesis, Telford Homes, and Vistry Partnerships, Royal Albert Wharf will provide over 1,800 homes, at least 40% of which will be affordable. The last phase, with full completion expected in 2025, will deliver a record 73% affordable housing. NHG has provided continuous support to Art in the Docks, also to affordable studios provider Bow Arts. We are hugely indebted to them for this support, it is a truly textbook example of how a symbiotic relationship can be created between a large corporate entity and a grass roots arts organisation with shared values.
“Art in the Docks have been operating from Royal Albert Wharf since 2020. In that time, they’ve delivered a fantastic series of exhibitions, events, workshops and classes. These have helped local NHG residents access community activities which improve mental wellbeing and reduce social isolation. They also greatly complement our placemaking work at RAW, helping to raise the profile of RAW and the wider Royal Docks area as a creative hub in East London, significantly adding to the sense of vibrancy within the community. What sets AITD apart from other organisations doing similar work, is that AITD is run by the artists themselves. There is no middle man/organisation here so all of the funding that goes in goes directly to the people actually delivering the programme. This really does deliver fantastic Value for Money to funders.”
George Clarke, Head of Communities and Commercial Properties | Places and Estates, Notting Hill Genesis.
The Royal Docks Trust was established and registered as a charity in March 1995. It works to provide community benefits to the Docklands area of Newham: defined as the area between the A13 and the River Thames. The Trust is structured to provide opportunities for local people, community organisations and businesses to become actively involved in collaborative ways. Central to the Trust's focus is the belief that local community organisations - properly supported - will help to build a thriving and vibrant Newham Docklands community. Funding for such groups is therefore a key objective. The Trust wants also to foster and develop partnerships between local residents, local businesses, key developers and Newham Council. The Trust believes that partnerships of this kind, which can bring together the experience, skills and expertise of local residents and local businesses, also helps to secure a flourishing, economically secure community which is not only mutually supportive but also benefits from a lower incidence of crime.
“The Royal Docks Trust has provided support to Art in the Docks as a contribution to their Cultural Levelling up Programme. The RDT is keen to fund work that directly helps children and young people to develop their own art through active participation. Government financial constraints lead to local schools activities being greatly under resourced. Since inception, Art in the Docks has with limited resources demonstrated its determination to work with local communities and reach out to local schools, community centres and youth groups across the Royal Docks. Working to tight but well-defined timescales, Art in The Docks has produced numerous impressive projects. These include working with local children to create their own artworks and giving them their own public exhibition. They have also delivered a public parade in the Royal Docks involving children, their families, musicians and other artists. This is a huge recognition of local talent and a boost to the creative confidence of Newham Docklands residents. One of the best value investments that the RDT has made.”
John Johnson – Head of Grants and Community Development Matters at Royal Docks Trust