Would you like to support our work? We are looking for both individual and corporate sponsors in our mission to bring arts and culture to the communities of East London.

While the impact of the arts is immeasurable, we live in a world where costs are a reality. Each class, workshop, session or event that we run, requires fundraising for: 

  • Artist facilitation fees

  • Materials

  • Business rates for our workshop and gallery space

  • Administration/coordination 

 Your generosity can help ensure the longevity of our core arts programme, from delivering one session to a month or year of consistent arts opportunities!

Sponsor Our Core Offers:

1. Creative Health: Adult Painting and Drawing

Every weekend, we invite a local artist to lead a free arts workshop for adults. These classes are aimed at working-class residents who may have never considered the arts as part of their lives. The 2-hour sessions explore different art forms, themes, and artists, and can accommodate up to 30 participants. Sponsorship covers artist facilitation fees, materials, and business rates for our workshop space.

  • £250: Sponsor 1 Adult Evening Class, supporting 30 individuals.

  • £1,000: Sponsor Adult Evening Classes for a full month, supporting 120 individuals.

2. Saturday Kids Club

On the weekend we also host a creative session for children, young people, and families. Kids Club offers a joyful and engaging environment where children are exposed to art and creativity, developing their fine motor skills, socialising with their peers, and learning to create both individually and collectively.

  • £250: Sponsor 1 Saturday Kids Club, supporting 30 young participants.

  • £1,000: Sponsor Saturday Kids Club for an entire month, supporting 120 young individuals.

Dream Bigger with Us

  • £2,000: Sustain both Adult Evening Classes and Saturday Kids Club for 1 month (8 sessions) supporting 240 individual participants.

  • £6,000: Support 3 months of core programming, (24 sessions) reaching 720 individuals.

  • £12,000: Provide 6 months of consistent arts programming, (48 sessions) engaging 1,440 individuals.

  • £24,000: Fund a full calendar year of core arts programming, (96 sessions) reaching 2,880 participants.

At any amount, with Art in the Docks, your gift will go far.

To learn more about our work and how you can make an impact as a supporter, please get in touch. We are always happy to have a conversation. You can also visit us at Royal Albert Wharf or attend one of our events to see first hand how art enriches lives.

Give today: