Hernan is a footwear designer and maker; he creates modern shoes with a special focus on contemporary fashion. His style is usually defined by bold silhouettes, geometric shapes and elements of sportswear and futurism. He has been mainly focusing on menswear, though he believes his shoes are genderless. The way he makes shoes is heavily influenced by my background in fashion, which is why he uses the same resources he would use in the past to make garments, such as pleats, gatherings, ruffles, etc.
Recycling and upcycling have become two big pillars of my work. He is an advocate of responsible consumption, and as a designer, he questions the need of bringing new objects into the world. He believes a pair of shoes can have a second life by adapting them to the new consumer’s desires, as well as recycled materials can be reintroduced in the fashion circle.
Regarding the making, he takes advantage of the possibilities hand-making processes have to offer compared to how a shoe would be manufactured in the industry. Most of his work is done by hand with the help of machineries like sewing and sanding machines.